Three Brothers Boards is extremely proud and honored to announce that we have been chosen by C.B.S. Networks to have our paddle boards featured on the Television Show, “The Price is Right” with host Drew Carey for multiple episodes over an extended period of time.
We are asking all of our customers or what we call the, “Three Brothers Boards Family” to be sure to watch the first episode that our Paddle Boards will be featured on at 11:00 am EST. this upcoming Monday the 27th of April 2015. We have only filmed two of the episodes in our contract and neither of them have aired yet, but we are very optimistic about the longterm effects of such great repeated exposure.
My brother and I started Three Brothers Boards in memory of our youngest brother, Jason Ryan Murray, as an effort to honor and keep his name alive. Now the board that we named directly after him, our Jason Ryan model, will be seen by over five million people each time one of the episodes in our contract airs. Accolades of this nature make me extremely proud and are a direct reflection of what this company is all about.
Our second episode is scheduled to air on May 6th 2015 at 11:00 am EST. and we will be keeping everyone updated as to when all of the other episodes will air through our website, blog and all social media outlets. We are very honored by this opportunity and we would like to thank CBS and The Price is Right for featuring our SUP boards on your show and we would also like to thank all of the Three Brothers Boards Family for all of your support and don’t forget to watch The Price is Right at 11:00am this upcoming Monday April 27th.
Kind Regards,
Justin Murray